de anagram » Mar 15 Déc 2009 00:58
je suis allée chercher sur le site les information sur le pca-rx, j'en ai traduite les effets (résumé) et recopié la partie détaillée en anglais.
C'est vraiment un produit interessant, pas d'effets secondaires mais des effets benefiques direct dès la troisieme semaine d'utilisation (pour mon cas). C'est un produit non chimique, à ce que j'ai compris, il piege ce qui circule dans les fluides du corps (cf le texte en anglais)et les rejette dans les selles, l'urine, la peau et la respiration.
Demain je vous mettrai la traduction de la composition qui se trouve sur mon flacon...
# Removes heavy metals
# Attaches to and removes many harmful toxins
# Removes cardio and cerebral vascular plaque
# Helps rid the body of harmful mycoplasmas
# Lowers elevated enzyme counts
# Helps those suffering from environmental illnesses
# Provides a less invasive form of chelation
enlève les metaux lourds
piege et enleve les toxines
enleve les plaque cardio et cerebro vasculaire
aide le corps à lutter contre les mycoplasmes
abaisse le niveau elevé d’enzyme
aide ceux qui souffrent de maladies environnementales
procure une forme de chelation moins invasive que d’autres
What Does PCA-Rx Do?
PCA-Rx naturally, effectively, and gently removes all heavy metals,
toxins, plaque, triclosimines, PCBs, pesticide residues, yeast forms,
parasites, infectious prions, viral residues, mycoplasmas,
vaccination residues, and anything else that is NOT a natural part of
the blood, lymphatic fluid, or cerebral spinal fluid. PCA-Rx becomes
a natural living part of your immune system.
Will PCA-Rx Cause Liver Congestion in Any Way?
Definitely not. The action of PCA-Rx actually encourages and
promotes healthy liver function, and has been used very effectively
by persons suffering from various liver ailments, congestions, and
If PCA-Rx Helps Liver Function, How Does It Remove Toxins from
the Body?
Laboratory tests have shown toxin removal to be 85% through the
stool, 10% through the urine, and 5% through the skin and breath.
How Much PCA-Rx Should I Use?
Depending on your personal toxic accumulation, we recommend
starting out with a very low dose (one or two sprays) for the first day
or two and then gradually working up to a higher dose (four to eight
sprays) per day. You’ve been collecting toxins your entire life, so be
patient. It is also recommended that you drink at least one ounce
of purified water per pound of body weight each day to help with
toxic elimination.
How Soon Will I Notice Results from PCA-Rx?
In some cases, for people that had previously removed all
environmental contaminates from their life, the results were
profound and life changing, and took only three or four days. For
others it’s a more gradual cleansing process. Most people notice an
increase in clarity and thought process in the first couple of weeks.
By the third and fourth week some report they feel much lighter and
clearer, and their friends remark on how good they look. This is all
relative to age, previous toxic exposure, diet, ongoing
environmental contamination, and the level of bodily degeneration.
Your results may vary.
How Long Should a Bottle of PCA-Rx Last?
Each 30-milliliter bottle contains approximately 240 sprays. At four
sprays per day that’s a 60-day supply. Some sensitive people have
reported excellent results at two sprays per day, making a bottle
last for four months. The body only has so many pathways for toxic
elimination. Less is usually better.
Is PCA-Rx Safe for Children?
Yes. PCA-Rx has been used very effectively on children of all ages,
from one month up. Several cases have involved lead poisoning of
very young children, with dramatic results at two sprays a day over a
3-month period. PCA-Rx has also been used immediately after
vaccine inoculations to counter the toxic effects of mercury and other
How Does PCA-Rx Compare to Other Forms of Chelation Therapy?
PCA-Rx is a very natural, living part of our immune system. It is as
alive as living food with intelligence and has a very discriminate
synergistic cleansing effect with the body. Other types of chelation
are basically drugs, chemicals, or dead herbal products and
although marginally effective, they create an indiscriminate stripping
action in the body causing imbalance and chaos in the already over-
stressed immune system. The use of drugs, chemicals, dead food
products, additives, toxins, environmental contaminates and the
like have gotten us into our various states of ill health, so why add
to the body’s burden with one more thing? Chelation therapy is very
effective but it does have its side effects.
Will I Experience Any Side Effects or Detox Crisis?
No. Some very sensitive people have reported a slight tiredness
when they first start taking PCA-Rx. If that is the case, take the
product every other day at a low dose and gradually increase as the
immune system becomes stronger. Remember that less is usually
better in the beginning.
Does PCA-Rx Cross the Blood-Brain Barrier?
Yes, most definitely. Many of the veins and capillaries in the brain
are as fine as hairs, which is necessary for the transport of oxygen,
blood, and nutrients. Over time these pathways of life, thought, and
memories become clogged with plaque, toxic residues, metal
deposits, and other contaminants. PCA-Rx effectively clears and
cleans these pathways. Some older users of PCA-Rx have remarked
about a definite improvement in thought processes and recall
ability, stating that for the first few days their brain was “tingling,
like it was waking up and coming alive”. It was.
Do I Need to Have My Amalgam Fillings Removed Before Starting
the PCA-Rx?
No. The accumulation of heavy metal poisoning (mercury, for
example) has been going on for your entire life. In most cases, if
the fillings are tight and non-leaking, the immune system needs to
be stabilized with the cleaning of cellular mercury prior to the
removal or disturbance of any existing fillings.
Will PCA-Rx Pull the Mercury from My Fillings If I Don’t Have Them
Removed Right Away?
No. If your fillings are tight and not leaking, PCA-Rx will be attracted
to cellular-bound and free mercury and metals only. Depending on
the number of years you have had your fillings, it has been a slow
process of contamination. Amalgam fillings have just been one
more contaminate along with diet, the environment, inoculations,
prescrïption drugs, etc.
Can I Use PCA-Rx While Still Having Other Silver/Mercury Fillings in
My Mouth?
My health counselor recommended PCA-Rx to me for detoxification
with my amalgams. I plan to do the mercury filling removal a little
at a time because last year I had a quadrant removed and was
barely able to walk for eight months afterward.
Yes. You should start taking the PCA-Rx before you begin the
dental procedure, and continue taking it throughout the process. I
don’t think you will experience the trauma you had last time.
What Are the Mycoplasmas That PCA-Rx Clears Away?
Mycoplasma is a term that is used to identify a group of
microorganisms found living in the blood and cells of people with
chronic illnesses such as Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV),
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and many others.
What Are the Strep Bacteria in PCA-Rx?
I thought Strep was harmful. Please explain.
This bacteria form is Streptococcus Thermophilus. Besides being one
of the starting bacteria for PCA-Rx, this strep is also one of the
primary bacteria in yogurt products. On yogurt product labels it is
identified as just S. Thermophilus. The harmful bacterial form of
strep is Streptococcus Aureus. There is no relation between the two.
Is PCA-Rx Chemically Targeted Towards Mercury?
I have a 4-year-old son who has been diagnosed as autistic and is
currently undergoing treatment with DMSA and Lipoic Acid for
chelation. I understand the drawbacks of using DMSA as a chelating
agent. DMSA and DMPS draw out valuable elements like calcium and
zinc while also drawing out mercury. Understanding that clathrating
agents work on a “lock and key” principal that makes them target
metals more particularly (hence leaving valuable other elements), is
PCA-Rx chemically “targeted” towards mercury?
PCA-Rx is targeted to all toxic and excessive elements in the blood,
lymphatic fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Any toxin that is not
natural to the cell structure and cell integrity is removed. PCA-Rx
does contain thiol groups and many, many others.
What Happens When the Clathrating Molecule Encounters the
Your information indicates that PCA-Rx “releases” mercury from the
neuron and allows it to become free floating, and then the
clathrating molecule surrounds the heavy metal and removes it.
Does the clathrating molecule change molecular shape when it
encounters the mercury? Does the mercury run the risk of becoming
bound to other tissue? How is the mercury bound up by the
successor molecule after being released from the other tissue?
As PCA-Rx removes the toxin from the receptor, it gives up a
molecule to the damaged receptor to keep other toxins from
reattaching. This nutrient molecule then remains in place until the
healing process is complete. The remaining portion of the PCA-Rx
then forms a three-dimensional lattice structure (or matrix) around
the toxin, binding through ionic, covalent and hydrogen
attachments. The toxin is completely engulfed by the PCA-Rx and is
safely removed without chance of reattachment. The elimination of
toxins with PCA-Rx is 85% fecal, 10% urine, and 5% vapor (skin
and breath).