"Liver Compression Technique" de Klinghardt

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"Liver Compression Technique" de Klinghardt

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Sam 16 Mai 2015 13:51

Hello les amis,

Dans les précédentes conférences internationales des maladies environnementales, Klinghardt a parlé plusieurs fois de sa "Liver Compression Technique", qui serait une alternative + douce et progressive aux cures de foie et a la détox hepatique.

Est-ce que quelqu'un parmi vous a deja essayé?
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, voici un résumé de ce qui est expliqué, ainsi qu'un lien vers une vidéo ou Klinghardt montre comment le réaliser:


The liver compression technique is an option when you can’t do a gallbladder flush in kids. It is a manual ay to drain bile from the liver. Can help to lower cholesterol and improve elevated liver function tests. It is simple; use it.

The liver is on the right, protected by the lower rib cage; it is the largest organ other than the lungs.

One hand on the back of the liver; palm touching the lower part of the rib cage.
The other hand on the top of the liver pointed in the direction of the belly button; direction of the push is 1⁄2 way down and towards the belly button. You are pushing with the soft part of the palm with the intent to make the liver a postage stamp. There is a risk of fracturing ribs with older or osteoporotic people. You are really compressing the liver.

This could be done during a liver gallbladder flush once the olive oil is on board.
The compression is done several times over a 3 minute period.

Gallbladder squirts bile when you taste food. You could start a meal and then do this 1⁄2 way through the meal or between 1-3 am optimally. Preload the system with chlorella; takes 1.5-2 hours from swallowing the chlorella to when it gets to the small intestine. Only use the compression technique with binders or toxins will be reabsorbed.

Pressure us provided from underneath and from the top towards the belly button and at a 45 degree angle
downward as if to flatten the liver. The entire palm is still above the lowest rib; both hands should be on bone. It
should not be soft under either hand. You often see worm eggs and worms in the poop within the next 24 hours.
Should be done once daily for 3 minutes. You could do longer or more frequently with significant liver stress such as Hepatitis. Most people do it too gently; want it to be 2/3 of the original size.

Generally, the practitioner is on the right side of the patient with the left hand on top; though the right hand can
be on top of the liver if more comfortable.

Vidéo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_RmmAS8WPE

Pti gars
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