Résultats sur le comptage des CD57 (immunité / lyme)

Comment lutter contre les multiples infections chroniques qui se développent en présence de produits toxiques dans le corps

Re: Résultats sur le comptage des CD57 (immunité / lyme)

Messagede Lebowski » Jeu 27 Juin 2013 18:53

En recherchant un peu sur les co-infections de lyme et suite à des IgG positifs de EBV, chlamydia pneum. et mycoplsma pneum., je suis tombée sur un article de Michael Payne sur la présentation de Marmotte http://www.forum-melodie.fr/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3600&p=66593=Michael+Payne#p66593 :

CD57 faible est souvent un indicateur de l'infection à Chlamydia pneumoniae

mais sachant que clamydia pneumoniae et compagnie sont des co-infections de lyme...on en revient toujours à lyme :crazy: ...
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Re: Résultats sur le comptage des CD57 (immunité / lyme)

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Lun 7 Nov 2016 14:59

Petite info intéréssante sur l'utilité de ce marqueur actuellement

Ginger Savely, DNP spoke on "An Update on the CD57+ Test – Is It Really a Good Marker for Lyme Disease?" and shared:

"CD" is cluster designation and is a protein that identifies a type of NK cell.
CD 57+ are what are looked at in Lyme disease.
T-cells are measured in HIV. NK cells in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, chronic Lyme, chronic viral infection, and autoimmune diseases.
Originally introduced in 2001 by Ray Stricker, MD and Edward Winger, MD as an marker for chronic Lyme disease.
The "normal" range of 60-360 was determined by looking at the first 1000 "healthy" people.
Illnesses such as MS, lupus, ALS do not have lower levels of CD 57+ NK cells.
Initially, it showed promise in diagnosis and tracking treatment in chronic Lyme.
There is tremendous normal variability in CD 57+ results. A practitioner must know this in order to determine if a change observed means something.
In one study, sick patients had a mean of 46 with a range of 8-160 while well patients had a mean of 164 with a range of 60-354.
CD 57+ results can change even within the same day.
The coefficient of variation was 30% and represents one standard deviation. Normal variation would be 60% above or below the count.
Thus, if a patient had a result of 100, normal variation would be between 40 and 160.
Dr. Savely mentioned that she does not use CD 57+ testing very much anymore.
The count does not always seem to match how the patient is feeling.
There are many variables that affect the result.
Patients get discouraged when the number does not increase and often this is within normal variability.
Other conditions that may be associated with CD 57+ besides Lyme include Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia pneumoniae, PANDAS/PANS, viral infection, mold exposure.
The CD 57+ test is a potentially useful adjunct tool for diagnosis of Lyme when other testing is not clear.
The CD 57+ test does not appear to be a reliable test to follow patient progress or treatment efficacy.
The CD 57+ test may be helpful in making a decision to end treatment.
High CD 57+s (600 or higher) have been seen in neurologic cases and in patients of European or Middle Eastern decent. It is not clearly understood why some people have high CD 57+.
Pregnancy can lower CD 57+.
CD 57+ is not a good marker to evaluate in children as it can be super low; there are no normals established for children.
Some have a CD 57+ of 12 and were well, remained well, and had no symptoms.
Coriolus has been found to increase CD 57+ in some patients. However, its use did not seem to result in positive clinical changes.

Pti gars
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