sel+vitC contre Lyme

Comment lutter contre les multiples infections chroniques qui se développent en présence de produits toxiques dans le corps

Messagede tuchiana » Mer 17 Nov 2010 15:02

voici un lien interessant cependant cette methode pourrait etre une blague, je ne sais pas:
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Messagede marco » Mer 17 Nov 2010 15:28

Je crois que c'est Gigi qui avait déjà mis ce lien et elle a fait une cure du sel pour lutter contre les parasites.

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Messagede loeillet2 » Mer 17 Nov 2010 20:23

Gigi a eu de bons résultats avec cette méthode ?
allergies-asthme-mémoire et attention défaillantes, maladie de lyme

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Messagede marco » Mer 17 Nov 2010 23:31

Je ne sais plus exactement. Peut-être passera t-elle par ici.
Il me semble me souvenir qu'elle avait du l'interompre à cause d'une montée de tension.

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Messagede un_ptit_gars » Jeu 18 Nov 2010 13:16


Je connais bien cette méthode, pour l'avoir utiliser moi aussi un moment. Donc deja, non ce n'est pas une blague! ;) Maintenant de la a dire que c'est LA méthode miracle pour une personne qui a lyme, je pense que c'est malheureusement loin d'etre le cas. Je suis en parrallèle sur un gros forum américain un peu comme le notre, et la bas bcp de personne ont essayé cette technique de déparasitage, avec plus ou moins de succès. Je pense qu'il s'agit surtout d'une technique, parmis tant d'autres, pour aider notre organisme contre le dévellopement anarchique des bactéries, vers, et autres éléments pathogènes, très présent dans les organismes pollués comme les notres. C'est un outils parmis d'autre, qui a le mérite d'etre pas cher du tout et donc utilisable par bcp de monde, mais qui peut également etre contre-indiqué pour des personnes qui font deja de la rétention d'eau, ou des personnes qui dévellopent vite de l'hypertension (environ 5% selon klinghart).
Klinghart précaunisait cette technique dans le passé, au début des divers traitements contre lyme, car selon lui cela permet d'eliminer les "gros parasites", types vers, dans les intestins, puis il basculait sur autre chose car on se rend vite compte que c'est souvent bien insufisant pour aller au bout des choses et surmonter des bactéries très résistantes comme celle de lyme.

Voila pour la ptite info....bon courage a toi! :)

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Messagede tuchiana » Jeu 18 Nov 2010 13:29

merci a tous pour vos conseils precieux.
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Re: sel+vitC contre Lyme

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Lun 13 Mai 2013 11:02

Pour compléter un peu ce sujet, voici comment s'effectue cette méthode pour ceux qui seraient tentés de la mettre en pratique!

Pti gars

The Essential Treatment is basically

Body weight in pounds/10 = total daily consumption in grams, so
1 gram of Salt, and
1 gram of Vitamin C
for each 10 pounds of body weight (remarque Pti gars: 10 pounds valent approximativement 4.5kg)

Use pure salt (sodium chloride) without any additives such as
silica, or

If you use powdered salt or Vitamin C be aware that
1 teaspoon (tsp) = 5 grams, thus
1 tablespoon (tbs) = 15 grams.

One should space out these into three or more doses each day.
For example, a 150 pound individual would swallow 15 grams
of each in total as
5 grams of each in the morning,
5 grams of each at midday and
5 grams of each in the evening.

Total daily consumption should not exceed
18 grams of each per day.

Drink lots of water.

High doses can be very hard on the stomach.
Experiment; start with lower doses, such as
3 grams each 5 times a day
to get your daily total.
Again, drink plenty of water.

Et les FAQ:

Frequently Asked Questions

We receive many emails asking a variety of questions. Often the answers are already contained on the website. Take the time to look at the photographs and read through all the text on all the pages. Sometimes the questions are of a personal nature and are not appropriate to answer. While every person's illness is a personal matter, the solution or cure is not necessarily personal. The goal of the site is to make known and available to other sufferers the experiences and results of some who have tried a different remedy. Both the site and the treatment mentioned are a work in progress. This is and has been a journey, not a destination. The goal is good health. This is the path we have chosen and this is what we have found. But some questions deserve a more detailed response and we hope to do that here. We will update these FAQ's as needed. Again, please take the time to view everything on the site. Perhaps, with a closer reading, your questions will be answered.

Question: Why is the site anonymous?

Answer: Who we are as individuals is not relevant. We are not doctors; we don't treat patients; we don't sell anything or receive any compensation. Being flooded with emails or phone calls in our personal lives would benefit no one.

Question: What kind of salt do you use and where can I find it?

Answer: We had been using 1-gram Sodium Chloride USP tablets made by the Consolidated Midland Corporation (CMC), ordered through our local pharmacy. Currently (October 2008), they are not available. Since pure NaCl tablets have additional legitimate uses we think and hope they will once again become accessible. (CMC salt pills have an NDC # of 0223-1760-01, which should help your pharmacist locate the exact type. The cost is about $10 US for a bottle of 100 tablets.) We have been using pure sea salt which can be ordered from Saltworks in a variety of granular forms and in bulk quantities as Gourmet Sea Salt but for those who prefer tablets, buffered salt is available from . In bulk order it would cost only pennies per daily dose. Being loose it can be taken with a flavored beverage or mixed in food. The important point is to check the ingredients to ensure it is pure sodium chloride.

Question: Can I use sea salt?

Answer: Any pure salt should work. One teaspoon of salt is equal to approximately 6 grams; therefore, consider starting with a quarter teaspoon of salt in a large glass of water. The salt can be added to foods such as soup. Sea salt, as well as ordinary table salt, also contains other compounds and we think it is the sodium chloride itself which does the trick. So try to get the purest salt with the fewest additives available.

Question: Is this much salt and vitamin C safe?

Answer: Salt and vitamin C are both water soluble.This means that as long as you are getting enough water into your system your body will flush out the excess. But for the average sufferer, there will be no excess. Your body will use up whatever you give it or flush it out in your urine. Again, drink plenty of water. We have all heard about the proverbial 8 glasses of water per day. We recommend a full glass of water each time you take the pills. A side effect of the treatment in the dying off of the organisms is diarrhea. But be prepared for the weird sensation caused by the organisms' using any and all paths to escape the salt and vitamin C. You will feel but not see these creatures coming out all over your body.

Question: Can anyone use the salt and vitamin C treatment?

Answer: We see no reason not to try the protocol, no matter how old or young. The dosage should be relative to body weight. Therefore, if one was going to put a small child on the treatment, they might want to reach a 4 to 6 gram total on both the salt and C. Remember, drink plenty of water.

Question: How much salt is too much?

Answer: In our research we could only find this tidbit of information that might be of some help. In ancient eastern customs, when a man dishonored his family, he committed suicide using his sacred sword. Women were not allowed to touch these swords, so upon their dishonor, they committed suicide by consuming one pound of salt in a day, and were dead by morning. Now, our treatment recommends approximately 8 to 16 grams of salt and vitamin C per day depending on body weight. One pound of salt is equivalent to 453.59 grams; therefore, our recommendation is less than 3% of a pound per day. We do not believe this is a harmful amount. As mentioned on the site, for centuries people consumed approximately 20 grams per day due to the way foods were processed and personal taste. We at lymephotos have tried consuming more salt than we recommend and have had no ill effects, we just feel that the body can only process a certain amount to combat the pathogens and the rest was leaving through the urine. Again, judging from one's body weight we recommend 8 to 16 grams of each per day, divided into smaller dosages throughout the day. Always take the salt and vitamin C together with a full glass of water, maybe every two or three hours.

Qusetion: Why do you believe this works?

Answer: Salt has been considered a bactericide for thousands of years. As far as the worms go, have you ever put salt on a slug? The salt sucks the life out of them. We have made their environment intolerable. The vitamin C rejuvenates your body, allowing your cells to rebuild.

Question: How long will I have to take the treatment?

Answer: We think it is relative to how long you have had the illness. Bacteria and microfilarial worms reproduce at an astounding rate; therefore, the longer you have had the illness, the longer it will take to get rid of all the organisms. For some, the treatment could take 2 to 3 years.

Question: Can you explain the contradiction on the site regarding the nematomorphs protecting the bacteria, yet also attacking and consuming them?

Answer: Just as humans raise and care for their food supplies, such as cattle, they brutally club and feed off the herds.

Question: Why do you not recommend using an antihelminthic such as Ivermectin?

Answer: Ivermectin only temporarily reduces larval production; therefore, it does not eliminate the infection. Since it does not cure and because it has some major side effects, we do not recommend this treatment.

Question: Can I add other products such as catsclaw,wormwood,walnut hulls, rife machine, or whatever else sounds feasible?

Answer: We feel that it would be a major mistake to add anything else to the treatment. Since, in reality, we know so little about these organisms and their propensity to survive. We know that the salt and vitamin C treatment kills the pathogens. We do not know what possible effects other elements added to the treatment may have. Salt and Vitamin C occur naturally in nature. It is just lately that our consumption of salt is so low. Salt is considered sacred throughout the Bible. Is this a gift from God? Will salt keep away the evils of the world; are we talking about parasites? We believe that the salt and C treatment is the one thing that truly works against this disease.

Question:Do you have any other recommendations while doing this treatment?

Answer: Ultra-violet light kills nematodes, bacteria, viruses, and many other microorganisms. Try to spend fifteen minutes per day outside in bright sunlight. Do not use sunscreen. Do not stay out long enough to burn. Feel free to repeat these 15 minute sun sessions throughout the day. The old practice of taking our sick out into the sunlight made sense; ultra-violet light kills germs. Salt water baths are also very helpful. Add table salt to your bath until the water is saturated; that is, until no more salt can be absorbed. Four cylinder canisters of table salt is probably the amount needed for the average size tub.

Question:Why do I start feeling like I have beaten this illness, and then all of a sudden I feel sick again?

Answer: The salt and Vitamin C kill the active organisms, yet many more lie dormant in your tissues. It is believed that the absence of a pheromone, possibly daumone, awakens the hibernating organisms and the cycle begins again. The treatment must continue to kill off the newly awakened worms. This process may take years for some, unfortunately; however, with each die-off cycle, you will feel a little better, until you get them all.

A few questions call for direct answers from an individual. We asked one of our contributors to answer these.

Question: How long have you been infected?

Answer: I was bitten by a tick in the Spring of 1989, while on a golf course inhabited by deer. The majority of the time, I felt like death warmed over. I hated when people would ask how I was feeling.

Question: How long were you on antibiotics?

Answer: I was an antibiotic junkie. For the majority of the time I was sick I was popping some type of antibiotic. I have been forced to do the IV treatment on two occasions. The last time, I did the rocephin IV for 8 weeks, at 4 grams daily. I had been on oral antibiotics almost continuously between the IV courses. It is true we feel better on antibiotics. But it really does not work to rid the body of the disease.

Question: Are you currently symptom-free/in remission from lyme?

Answer: I feel good. I am back working full-time. The number count of the organisms is drastically down, so low that the pain is for the most part gone. But I continue the treatment, to make sure I get them all.

Question: What was the weirdest thing that has happened to you since starting the treatment?

Answer: I had two really strange experiences. The first was when the microscopic worms started to exit my body through my eardrums. It happened after a shower, on two occasions; one hears a crackling noise. Upon further investigation, it was found that the worms were present on a Q-tip. My second strange event was lying awake one night and feeling a microscopic worm exit through the top of my head. Never break the microscopic worm off, let it come all the way out of your body. Just like earthworms, the worms can regenerate, and the remaining half can regenerate in your body. You want to allow the worms to crawl out and desiccate. The next morning, I had a scab on the top of my head. You will feel the worms crawling out of you, especially on your face since your head is where so many of them like to reside.


Question: Why did we put this on the web?

Answer: We have tried on three occasions to get help through the CDC to no avail. The responses were things such as: thanks, we'll forward to a lyme researcher; or, we don't accept contributions or downloads from individuals; or, these pictures are obviously fakes. Whatever these pictures represent, they are not fakes or frauds.

We tried the university routine. A public health researcher put us onto a microbiology chair, who sent us to a CDC parasitologist, who said he wasn't a clinician and suggested a pathologist. We went around in circles. At times we felt that the best bet might be a veterinarian, as animals are susceptible to many parasites. To USA researchers, it seems, only third world countries have human parasitic infections. And that is a major point we are trying to make: Lyme disease goes far beyond bacterial infection and carries with it co-infection by other organisms not killed by antibiotics.

We tried the most noted lyme sites on the web. We were disappointed that most of them seem more concerned with fundraising than disease. And they offer heart-rending stories of suffering and dying people. We don't want to suffer any longer; we don't want this disease to kill us. We want a cure. We want to win!
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Messages: 11118
Inscription: Ven 23 Nov 2007 07:00
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Re: sel+vitC contre Lyme

Messagede romzor » Sam 13 Juil 2013 01:54

Juste un truc, c'est n'importe quoi ce site avec les photos... [img]images/icones/icon12.gif[/img]

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Re: sel+vitC contre Lyme

Messagede tuchiana » Sam 13 Juil 2013 12:54

en plus, je me rends maintenant compte qu'il n'y a aucune info sur les auteurs de ce site [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]
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Re: sel+vitC contre Lyme

Messagede romzor » Dim 14 Juil 2013 00:26

Non et puis il n'y a aucune explication des trucs qui sont trouvés. Genre lyme ça fait tel truc, etc... N'importe quoi. Le mec il te photographie des bouts de fils, des tetards, super ^^
je sais pas comment il a fait les machins gluants. Ptetre des bonbons? [img]images/icones/icon9.gif[/img]
Enfin c'est n'importe nawak

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Re: sel+vitC contre Lyme

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Mar 16 Juil 2013 14:41

Les photos, peut-etre bien, je ne m'y connais absolument pas, donc je ne dirais rien...
Par contre le protocole en lui même est loin d'etre placebo, ça c'est sur... essaye un peu pour voir et tu me dira après :D
Il a été fais par de très nombreux lymés et personnellement je trouve que c'est intéréssant pour un prix ridicule... pas la panacé qui guéri tout, mais cela dis intéréssant pour ceux qui n'ont pas de gros moyens.

Pti gars
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Inscription: Ven 23 Nov 2007 07:00
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Re: sel+vitC contre Lyme

Messagede matoch » Mer 11 Juin 2014 23:00

Je n'avais pas vu ce sujet, je témoigne sur cette méthode qui a été très efficace pour moi, et sur les parasites némato-filaires (nématodes ? filaments ?) qui sortent avec de grosses doses de sel.
Vous pouvez lire un autre post sur le sel dans lequel je donne plus de détails :
wifi et plaques à induction = hérésie.
Crise mentale : bain de bouche au charbon actif
Arthrite : kiwi+sel
Problèmes de peau : savon et shampooing au soufre
EHS : huile de coco sur la peau
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Re: sel+vitC contre Lyme

Messagede queserasera » Mer 11 Juin 2014 23:07

pour les parasites que tu appelles némato-filaires, il s'agit des "rope parasites" ou d'autre chose ?
tu les sors sans lavement grâce ce protocole ou quand même avec lavement ?



Re: sel+vitC contre Lyme

Messagede matoch » Mer 11 Juin 2014 23:58

Je subodore que les rope worms sont des amas de némato-filaires. Par le sel + vitamine C (sans lavement), des petits fils noirs sortent directement par la peau, mais uniquement sous très haute dose de sel, avec parfois des sensations pas très agréables notamment au niveau des oreilles. Il m'en est aussi sorti avec les sécrétions vaginales, et ça se voit bien sur un slip blanc ! :gla:
Ca ressemble à de tout petit poils de moins de 1mm de long, ou des fibres de tissu, d'ailleurs au microscope ça ressemble à des fibres, un peu comme sur le fameux site controversé. Ils sont toujours principalement noirs, et parfois bleus (toujours le même bleu) et rouges (toujours le même rouge).
Avec ma loupe x100, le rope worm ressemble à ces filaments qui seraient comme tissés ou agglomérés.
wifi et plaques à induction = hérésie.
Crise mentale : bain de bouche au charbon actif
Arthrite : kiwi+sel
Problèmes de peau : savon et shampooing au soufre
EHS : huile de coco sur la peau
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Inscription: Mar 4 Juin 2013 09:20
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