Pourquoi se sens-ton mal parfois après une douche?

Comment lutter contre les multiples infections chroniques qui se développent en présence de produits toxiques dans le corps

Pourquoi se sens-ton mal parfois après une douche?

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Jeu 4 Avr 2013 11:45

Salut à tous,

Voici un article intéréssant que pourquoi les malades chronique se sentent souvent plus mal quelques heures après une douche ou un bain chaud?
En effet et pour ma part je ressens souvent des contractures plus marqués sur la zone sensible que j'ai (cou et épaule) après une douche, alors que pendant celle ci au contraire la chaleur apaise et décontracte la zone. Je pense que c'est intéréssant a lire pour bcp, même si c'est en anglais... ;)

Pti gars


Source: http://www.tiredoflyme.com/feeling-wors ... V1I6ODoqxQ

Feeling worse after a shower?

An unearthly feeling indicating possible toxin overload

Some people with Lyme Disease have a tendency to feel incredibly horrible for days after taking a simple shower or bath. It sounds strange to those who don't experience the unusual effects from what would appear to be a harmless hygienic activity, but to those who are unfortunate enough, extremely debilitating physical and mental symptoms manifest. The effects can be so intense that a person will even refrain from showering or bathing for days, simply to avoid the horrible state that becomes from showering or bathing.


It's hard to be specific with the symptoms but in a nutshell, the feeling a person receives after showering or bathing is one of "disgust" or the need to "get out of the skin". This is actually a symptom in itself that can only be understood through experience. In the beginning of treatment, a person could shower or bathe without the worry of this feeling of "disgust" appearing, but as they progressed in their treatment, this debilitating experience arose.
Some of the more generally understood and common symptoms include becoming lightheaded and an increase in brain fog or an inability to articulate critical thought. After taking a shower or bath, eyes becomes glazed and puffy and the skin of their face becomes very pale; a clear indication of the toxicity within. These symptoms will increase and become exponentially worse in the hours following the shower or bath but will begin to subside within a day.
Not everyone will experience the same symptoms as each person's body possesses different types and different total loads of infections, toxins, and toxin accumulation within.

possible causes

No information has officially been presented or come forth explaining why this feeling of "disgust" arises in certain people with Lyme Disease. There are however many plausible theories that have been tested, yielding a few reasonable causes. So what can actually happen in a shower or bath that can lead or give way to such a miserable and disgusting physical and mental state?

* Irritating the infections - When the body is exposed to a hot shower or bath for prolonged periods of time, the infections within the body (e.g., Lyme & coinfections) become irritated and disturbed; flare ups will likely occur soon afterwards. The longer a person spends in a hot shower or bath, the worse the flare up symptoms will be in the hours following it. Flare up symptoms are unique to the type of coinfections and total load of those coinfections a person may have.

* Herxing - It is believed that when the body's temperature is heated to roughly 106° Fahrenheit or 41° Celsius, the spirochetes and candida begin to die off. In a essence by taking a hot shower or bath for an extended period of time, you're inevitably creating an artificial fever. Though killing the spirochetes and candida within without medicine is a great accomplishment, it leaves little control as to how much you actually kill off. As a result, in the following hours after your shower or bath, you will probably experience massive die off symptoms.

* Toxin mobilization - By exposing the body to a hot shower or bath, toxins from the duration of your treatment that are currently stored within the body, reenter the bloodstream. A person doesn't even need to be exposed to high water temperature to mobilize toxins as the pressure from the shower nozzle is enough to do it. The heat makes it worse by relaxing muscles and tissue. On top of toxin mobilization, the risk of generating a die off from either Lyme or Candida can begin to occur, depending on how hot the water is and how long you're exposed to it.

Toxin mobilization could also explain why those with Lyme could shower or bath in the beginning of treatment without the worry of feeling horrible afterwards. The amount of toxins within the body in the beginning of treatment was almost non existent compared to the amount of toxins residing in the body after being on treatment for a year or more. Even if a person is detoxing well, not all of the toxins will be removed or expelled from the body. Many of them will be stored within fat cells and the tissue of the body because they have become too much for the body to handle or process at one period of time during the course of treatment.

Recovery protocol

When the feeling of "disgust" arises after taking a shower or bath, nothing will completely rid it but you can begin to take the steps to help reduce its intensity. It appears that it must run its course as the body will be solely in charge of returning itself to a normal state. Assistance is greatly appreciated!
Immediately after taking a shower or bath, begin taking 10 drops of Burbur and 10 drops of Pinella together in 4 ounces of water every 10 minutes for about an hour to an hour and a half. For the next few days, depending on how severe the feeling of "disgust" is, begin taking activated charcoal 560mg 3x a day, molybdenum 1000mcg 2x a day, and the juice of one lemon in a cup of hot water in the morning before eating anything. Be sure to drink generous amounts of water throughout the day to keep the organs flushed. Also be sure to get plenty of sleep and don't over exert yourself in the coming days.

Don't intend to increase the dosage of your treatment protocol during this time as it will only make you feel worse; if that can be imagined. In fact, if the feeling of "disgust" is so intense, consider backing off of your Lyme Disease treatment protocol for a minimum of 3 days (consult your doctor first) to give the body the resources and energy it needs to return itself to a relative state of normality.

Implement this protocol alongside a well established detoxification protocol. If you find that your symptoms are decreasing at a rate that is reasonably unacceptable, you might want to consider other possible reasons for the slow progress or delay in relief.

Tips for prevention

Though the feeling of "disgust" can't be avoided entirely, there are tips and protocols you can implement to decrease its intensity.

* Lessen the pressure of the nozzle. A high pressured nozzle will basically massage the muscles and result in the re-entrance of toxins into the blood stream. This is also why a deep tissue massage is to be avoided while battling Lyme Disease and coinfections.

* Lessen the temperature of the water. By keeping the water at a lukewarm to cool level, the overall temperature of the body won't rise as fast. By raising the temperature of the body, the risk of die off from Lyme or Candida becomes greater.

* Lessen the amount of time you spend in or under the water. The best advice here is to only allow the water to touch your skin when it's time to rinse. Avoid standing under the water in between rinsing or even shut it off completely until it's time to rinse.

Radical intervention

An infrared sauna is the only known detox method capable of decreasing the intensity of this feeling of "disgust" that occurs after a shower or bath. The theory suggests that after using a sauna for a couple weeks, the total load of toxins that have accumulated in the body since the beginning of treatment will be reduced drastically. Blood is even restored to the face because circulation improves.

Though an infrared sauna is capable of removing toxins through sweat, it doesn't appear to reach the toxins buried deep within the muscles and tissue of the body. This could explain why this feeling of "disgust", though drastically reduced in intensity, still occurs after taking a shower or bath.
With the intention of taking a shower, use the infrared sauna first depending on your level of tolerance. Then immediately afterwards, take your shower while enacting the tips for prevention. You should notice that even after the first week of using an infrared sauna, the feeling of "disgust" that follows the shower will have been reduced in its intensity greatly.
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