BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede map-73 » Mar 12 Fév 2013 15:51

un_ptit_gars a écrit:D'après ce que j'en ai compris, je pense pas qu'il pose de soucis pour les faire sans ordonnance, c'est d'ailleurs pour cela qu'il m'a donné le prix je pense... :D
Je lui ai bien expliqué que j'étais admin d'un forum de santé alternative et que ces infos étaient pour un ensemble de personne en recherche de solutions par eux même. Après peut-etre que certaines peuvent être rembourssé en partie par la sécu si elles sont marquées par un doc...ça je ne sais pas du tout.

Si tu y va map, tiens nous au courant :)

Pti gars

ok, merci. Je verrai avec mon médecin, on ne sait jamais....
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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Mar 12 Fév 2013 17:31

Séquencement de Shoemeker:

C3a and C4a can be monitored over time, approximately a month, after having been on treatment to reduce them. If C3a and C4a are both high, this suggests Lyme may be a factor. If C3a is normal and C4a is high, this may suggest a mold exposure. This assumes that MARCoNS is not present as this is not a reliable indicator if staph remains unaddressed.
For biotoxins, Cholestyramine or Welchol can be used for 30 days. 5 days before and after starting CSM, Actos is used to avoid an intensification response. If Leptin < 7, 2.4 grams of EPA and 1.8 grams of DHA (fish oil) is used instead of Actos.
The general approach to treatment is to: eradicate MARCoNS, correct ADH/Osmo, correct androgens (40% of people with low MSH have androgen problems), correct anti-gliadin antibodies, lower MMP-9 (Actos or fish oils), correct low VEGF (Actos), correct high C3a (statins may be used with CoQ10), correct high C4a (Procrit or VIP), lower TGF-b1 (Losartan/Cozaar; VIP also lowers TGF-b1 as well).
VIP is used only when VCS is negative, ERMI is < 2, and MARCoNS is negative. It won’t work if you have not addressed these factor first.
Dr. Shoemaker generally does a test dose for VIP. TGF-b1 is tested, a test dose is given, and TGF-b1 is retested in 15 minutes. If TGF-b1 rises, there is still a mold issue.
If one is still ill with “Lyme” after antibiotic treatment, Dr. Shoemaker suggests testing CD4+/CD25+ and TGFb1 to gather additional information.
On top of VIP, the future of treatment may be antagomirs.
If one has previously used Rifampin prior to MARCoNS treatment, a double dose of BEG spray may be required.
Dogs are a common source of reinfection with MARCoNS."

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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Mar 12 Fév 2013 17:40

Et la vision de klinghardt (conférences de 2011 et 2012) sur ces peptides de "régulation" (qui sont à la base des hormones et de toute la régulation interne du corps):

"Regulatory Neuropeptides are messenger molecules that regulate a number of processes in the body. They are the first substances that form at the connection of the energetic body and physical body.
C3a and C4a are inflammatory markers. This could be mold, Lyme, EMF, of other factors. C3a represents a bacterial membrane or microbial marker.
TGF-b1 is an inflammatory indicator as well. TGF-b1 and C4a are the best tests to show a patient has an actual condition.
With TGF-b1, high levels are seen with fibrotic lungs, CCSVI, kidney remodeling, neurological problems, autoimmunity, breathing problems and asthma. TGF-b1 may be the best indicator of chronic Babesia.
When TGF-b1 is elevated, the following may be considered: 1) dental and sinus interference fields, 2) eradicate infections including parasites, address molds, detoxify metals, reduce EMF exposure, and repair sleep. Curcumin, Berberine (BioPure Viressence), and Homeo K VIP, ADH, and OXY may be helpful.
In studies, TGF-b1 has been given orally to treat Babesia. It confers protection against chronic Babesia and trypanosomes. Babesia treatment brings down TFG-b1 levels.
MSH is often low in fatigue and pain syndromes. It is the biotoxins impacting the hypothalamus that leads to low MSH. Can be related to MARCoNS, indoor molds, EMF, and late Lyme disease. Possible options include use of a Neti Pot with sea salt, Alkala, xylitol. Mitigate mold. Treat Lyme. Minimize EMF exposure. Optimize sleep.
Can reset nasal immunity with urine in nasal spray bottle with 1 drop of SSKI/TriQuench. Often used a couple of times per day with a spray in each nostril. A Neti Pot used in the shower is a great option for removing the source of biotoxins.
An Austrian pharmacy creates a line of products called “Homeo K”. More information available at
Biological windows is a concept where you dilute something to a certain point and it has the same effect as the original substance. This is the concept upon which Homeo K products were created.
VIP is produced in the gut, pancreas, and hypothalamus. It is helpful for sleep, and stimulates growth hormone. VIP nasal spray has a half-life of two minutes. The homeopathic version works similarly to if one had taken the nasal spray every five minutes. VIP plays a role in detoxification by secreting toxins in small intestine. All biorhythms are regulated by VIP. VIP helps with communication within the brain. If you feel disconnected from yourself, that is commonly an issue with VIP. VIP helps to regulate prolactin for breastfeeding. Strawberry tea may help to stimulates VIP. VIP fixes vaginal lubrication problems in a few weeks. It does not have to be taken forever.
Growth hormone is low in most chronic Lyme patients. S-acetyl glutathione from Allergy Research was found by Jonathan Wright to double growth hormone levels in one month. It often works better than any other form of glutathione.
VIP regulates microcirculation, inflammatory response, pulmonary artery response, hypothalamic input from visual pathways, resolves cognitive issues, and supports exercise tolerance. As exercise tolerance improves, the lymphatics are supported and people have healthier bowel movements.
Options for improving VIP include Homeo K-VIP, sinus flush, Pleo Rec, Pleo San Pseu, amalgam removal, detoxification, MicroSilica, Matrix Metals, EMF reduction, neural therapy, auto-urine therapy, restoring sleep.
Feel one’s hands and neck at same time. If they have cold hands and a warm neck, this is likely a microcirculation problem and not a thyroid problem. If the neck is also cold, this may be a core temperature issue and may be related to the thyroid.
Mercury damages the hypothalamus and pituitary which are not protected by the blood-brain barrier. The hypothalamus checks the body temperature by feeling the blood and thus can’t be protected within the barrier. Toxins get into the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal as they are not protected.
Whatever works as a treatment in autism, a fraction of that works beautifully and is all that is often needed in adults with Lyme. Children with autism are the new guinea pigs in medicine. The numbers double every 5 years. Behavioral therapies help by only about 10%. Most children with autism have Lyme as well. The Cowden Protocol can be a great option for kids.
Race horses are given MSH to give them more energy and make them perform better.
ADH (antidiuretic hormone) is often low in people with biotoxin illnesses. One potential indicator is constant static shocks or blowing a light bulb. ADH is produced in the pituitary. ADH is involved in memory formation, temperature regulation, pair bonding between sexual partners, has an effect on Type 2 diabetes, impacts minerals and electrolytes leading to dehydration, and is needed for proper function of ion pumps in the cells. Normalizing ADH fixes 1,000 things. When you pee, if it looks like water, you may not have enough ADH. If it is bright, yellow and smells, ADH may not be a factor. With ADH, sleep improves, premature ejaculation resolves, and it makes one a better lover.
If the specific gravity of the urine is low, you likely have low ADH. Excessive thirst is another indicator. The older way to address this was with electrolytes and minerals; the new way is ADH.
ADH as a medical drug works for 2-3 months and then you develop antibodies against it. For temperature issues, forget about the thyroid and adrenals and consider ADH. If a partner sticks with you, they likely have good ADH. A wandering, evil eye is often related to a lack of ADH.
When sodium levels are high normal or above normal, consider ADH.
Lyme patients have mostly low blood pressure, and this often comes into the normal range with ADH.
When ADH is an issue, some options include: 2-3 tablespoons of Matrix Electrolytes with 1 cap of M-Water and 2 tablespoons of Matrix Minerals in a liter of water, Homeo K-ADH, medical ADH, neural therapy, EMF reduction, restorative sleep, psychological work (MFT, PK, Family Constellation).
Mitochondrial medicine is a mistake. The cells can restore their own function if you give them a chance.
Oxytocin is responsible for many functions: neuromodulator of the brain, sexual reproduction during and after childbirth, facilitates breastfeeding, orgasm, social recognition, free radical scavenger. Oxytocin synchronizes all cells in the body to communicate. It bridges the communication of emotional fields, energy body, and physical body.
Homeopathic oxytocin is only generally needed for 1 year and then stopped. A person becomes kinder and moves into their heart. Think of oxytocin as a potential therapy when people have anxiety.
Compulsive behavior is often related to Bartonella. Anxiety is often related to Babesia.
ADH is also a bonding hormone; not just oxytocin.
Birth is induced with a shot of oxytocin.
MSH, VIP, OXY, ADH, and melatonin are generally low in chronic illness. Oral melatonin does not cross the blood-brain barrier. Liposomal melatonin has a better chance.
When one observes what is generally believed to be “Bartonella striae” or stretch marks, this is more likely an indicated of elevated MMP-9 and tissue breakdown. MMP-9 upregulation is often a sign of Borrelia (including the striae).
MMP-9 degrades the extracellular matrix and delivers inflammatory elements. It is involved in premature aging, breakdown of cartilage, meniscus problems, ligament laxity, and degradation of the ocular lens.
MMP-9 treatment includes neural therapy, eliminate dental issues, eliminate ear/nose/throat issues, address interference fields such as scars. Colonics, castor oil packs, coffee enemas can help to reduce MMP-9. Immune modulation with Sanum remedies. Nanoized curcumin with black pepper, chlorella. Address mold. Consider the Klinghardt Cocktail to treat Lyme. Resolve emotional contributors.

The two main causes are parasites (mainly lungworm) and chronic nasal staph infection. These nasal infections enter the hypothalamus which then leads to suppression of MSH. One's level of fatigue and level of MSH are directly related. MSH is depressed by bacteria and mycotoxins.

Americans have an unusual building situation. We have wood-framed structures with a plastic bag wrapped around it. This is the perfect environment for breeding mold. In fact, this is essentially what they do in mold labs to create more mold. We create homes like a mold-growing culture setup.
When two mold cultures were separated in a research experiment and one was exposed to EMF while the other was not, the one exposed to EMF had 600 times more toxic biotoxins and its growth rate was dozens of times faster.
It may be the case that EMF itself may not harm our body's cells, but it may impact the microbes within us which results in more biotoxins.
Molds create biotoxins (mycotoxins) to defend themselves.
Most patients have Aspergillus.
Myrrh may be helpful in raising MSH when used in a diffuser.
People with mold issues often have a negative reaction to DMSA; though this can also be related to sulfa.
Actos turns on PPAR gamma receptor. Each cell has similar organs to our body; a liver for detox for example. The more peroxisomes the better. Actos turns on receptors that signal to more peroxisomes which makes the cell detoxify better. Chlorella does this better than Actos.
Chlorella does what Cholestyramine does, but better. God put Actos and Cholestyramine together in one substance called chlorella. High dose of chlorella is better than low dose. Low doses tend to mobilize more than they bind. Higher doses bind more than they mobilize. 20 tablets three times a day 30 minutes before a meal.
Fish oil in high doses turns on PPAR gamma receptor. Chlorella + Fish oil can be a very powerful combination.
Even mold exposure in a short car ride is enough to re-trigger the negative cycle.
Dr. Shoemaker is a "genius".
TGF-b1 leads to remodeling of the blood vessels. It can lead to a fibrotic lung (remarque: voila pourquoi il faut absolument les faire baisser avant de faire l'opération CCSVI sinon ça revient).
The intelligence of normal bacteria to that of mold is like that of a cabbage to an elephant. Molds are far more critical than bacteria. Parasites are elephants squared.
Molds incorporate heavy metals to protect themselves from white blood cells. The white blood cells are killed by mercury, but the molds are not.
MSH is a hypothalamic peptide which is involved in cytokine release. Low levels are associated to mold, MARCoNS (staph), EMF, and Lyme.
MSH may be increased with inhalation of Myrrh oil using a diffuser (not a nebulizer). It may give back energy. Dramatically raises MSH. Forget ATP, CoQ10, glutathione, etc. Bring up MSH and you see a miracle. Tincture of myrrh is a good antimicrobial as well.

ADH is involved in the reabsorption of water. With chronic Lyme or mold, the pituitary is affected and the body may not make enough ADH. When you stand up and lack ADH, the kidneys may physically slip downward. When people get lots of electric shocks when touching things, this may be an indicator that ADH is low. There is an RX ADH nasal spray available. 1 liter of water mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of Matrix Electrolytes, 1 capful of M-Water, and 2 tablespoons of Matrix Minerals can help here. Neural therapy may be used. Reducing EMFs and getting restorative sleep is critical.
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) regulates blood flow and inflammatory response.
When shaking hands with someone and putting your other hand behind their neck, if both are cold, this may represent thyroid issues. If the hands are cold and the neck is warm, this may represent a microcirculation issue or a lack of VIP. Post exercise fatigue may be a lack of VIP. When colors look funny or floaters in the eyes are present, this may be another indicator towards low VIP. There is a nasal VIP spray that can be used to address low VIP using 1 spray 4 times per day in each nostril. Before going this route, one must address mold at home and in the work environment. Sinus flush, removal of amalgams, neural therapy, auto-urine therapy, EMF reduction, and sleep restoration are important here. When VIP is low, it is difficult to mediate, pray, or connect with the Divine.

MMP-9 will be normal once a patient has gone through treatment. It is zinc dependent. MMP-9 is a mechanism that is used by the bugs to "mush you up so that they can drink you rather than eat you". If someone is given zinc when MMP-9 is already elevated, the tissue breakdown will be even worse. High MMP-9 rapidly ages patients. Consider interference fields such as scars, teeth, root canals, sinus infections. Reduce EMFs. Nanoized Curcumin with pepper at 350mg twice a day may help. Life Enhancement has a good option here. An important note here is that if MMP-9 is elevated, KPU treatment with zinc may make matters worse. Ensure MMP-9 is normalized before adding zinc.

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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Mar 12 Fév 2013 18:11

D'autres infos intéréssantes sur ces neuropeptides de régulation, dans la lignée de ce que disent Shoemaker et Klinghardt: (issues de


These mold and Lyme toxins attach to fat cells and cause the fat cells to continually release inflammatory cytokines. The result is chronic
inflammation with symptoms such as fatigue, pain, brain fog and out of control weight gain.

Sometimes there is excessive weight loss instead.
When a person has the flu, symptoms are not caused directly by the viruses. The symptoms are caused by the resulting cytokines. So mold and
Lyme toxins can cause symptoms similar to a permanent case of flu.

Cytokines also cause the release of a material called MMP9 that makes people feel terrible.

Cytokines also cause reduced circulation in small blood vessels with reduced oxygen and nutrients to the cells. This acts similarly to heart disease and any exercise can result in a crash that lasts for days.

Excess cytokines are also related to autoimmune problems. And autoimmune reactions are much more common in people with long arms – “wingspan”
longer than their height.

Mold and Lyme toxin patients may make antibodies to myelin with resulting nerve damage. MS patients should be checked for mold and Lyme

They may make antibodies to a material called cardiolipin. This causes blood to sludge. Hands and feet are often cold.

More commonly they make antibodies to gliadin which is a protein found in gluten. The result is an inability to tolerate gluten grains (wheat,
rye, oats, barley).

A diet high in sugar and in the starch amylose (wheat, rye, oats barley, rice, root vegetables, bananas) causes rapid blood sugar and insulin
spikes making things worse.

Some materials like dopamine and serotonin cannot cross the blood brain barrier (BBB). But the BBB does not slow down inflammatory cytokines at
all, so they enter the brain and block various receptor sites.

When the leptin receptor sites are blocked, leptin levels increase and leptin resistance is produced. The excess leptin packs fat into fat cells whereit stays until the toxins are removed. These people can gain weight on
1000 calories.

When leptin receptors are blocked, the production of a chemical called MSH is blocked. If MSH is low, melatonin production will be low, resulting in sleep problems. If MSH is low, endorphins will be low resulting in excess chronic pain.

MSH also controls pituitary hormone production and if MSH is low, there will be a loss of hormonal control. If cortisol is low, treatment should be to remove the neurotoxins. If cortisol is given, that depresses ACTH production and this can make the person’s health much worse.

Anti-diuretic hormone production by the pituitary is often disrupted resulting in excess urination even to the point of dehydration and excess thirst and excess salt remaining in the blood.

When that happens,the person is a good conductor of electricity and may patients have problems with static electricity shocks. They may damage electronic equipment by touching it.

People who are low in MSH often have leaky gut which lets in more gliadin which causes more inflammation and further reduces MSH which
causes more leaky gut which lets in more gliadin…. In any case of bowel disease, mold and Lyme toxins should be checked.

Eighty percent of low MSH patients have colonization in their sinuses by a variety of bacteria called “multiply antibiotic-resistant coagulase negative staph.” In most people, this organism is fairly benign, but in low MSH patients it must be taken care of before they can feel good. Colloidal silver nose drops are a possibility.

Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, M.D. uses Cholestyramine to remove the toxins. Cholestyramine causes bloating, digestive discomfort and constipation in
most patients.

We have experimented with plant sterols in the form of Cholestepure (2 X 3) with very good results and little or no negative effects. C-Food from Precision Herbs (4 X 3) also works well for toxin removal.
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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede ymy » Mar 12 Fév 2013 18:26

map-73 a écrit:
ymy a écrit:J'ai en effet 2 multi-susceptible types, mais également dinoflagellates et MARCONS.

Comment sais-tu que tu as ces 2 trucs Ymy ? quelles analyses pour chercher ça ?


Je voulais dire que j'ai les gènes correspondants (cf mon groupage HLA) au tableau de Shoemaker, à savoir ces 4 lignes complètes : 2 Multisusceptible (problèmes de détox) + Dinoflagellates + MARCONS

Multisusceptible : DR4 DQ3 DR53
Multisusceptible : DR11 DQ3 DR52
Dinoflagellates : DR4 DQ7 DQ8 DR53

Il est donc fort possible que j'ai un souci avec la "staph bacteria" (MARCONS) que shoemaker a trouvé dans les nez de ses patients lymés immuno-déprimés. ... id=3662317
Ainsi qu'un souci avec les dinoflagellates.

A creuser donc ...


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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede beacam » Mar 12 Fév 2013 21:28

Ce qui serait peut etre interessant , c'est de demander à ce labo si il travaille avec des médecins ?
Bon sinon ma famille est pres de vichy, donc quand j'ira la bas je pourrai éventuellement aller jusqu'à clermont pour faire ces tests, le seul truc c'est qu'une fois qu'on les a faite, on en fait quoi après

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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Mar 12 Fév 2013 22:37

beacam a écrit:Ce qui serait peut etre interessant , c'est de demander à ce labo si il travaille avec des médecins ?
Bon sinon ma famille est pres de vichy, donc quand j'ira la bas je pourrai éventuellement aller jusqu'à clermont pour faire ces tests, le seul truc c'est qu'une fois qu'on les a faite, on en fait quoi après

C'est comme tout bea, ce sont des marqueurs qui aident a tu as appris a comprendre leur signification avant ;)
Et pour cela, il faut lire les conférences qu'on met sur le forum et faire ses propres recherches...comme me disait le biologiste de chapy-valleix, ces marqueurs sont plus de l'ordre de l'expérimental (ou "de la recherche") que des valeurs courament employées tous les jours par nombres de médecin. Il ne faut donc pas compter sur eux pour en déchiffrer le sens...
Je pense que ce sont, de manière complémentaire avec les CD57, des aiguilleurs qui permettent de voir si ce que l'on fait permet de rétablir l'équilibre ou si au fur et a mesure des mois qui passent, on a plutot tendance a s'éloigner de l'état d'équilibre et de santé.
Ici ce sont des marqueurs de l'inflammation systémique, qui est je le pense une des clé majeure de 95% des pathologies chroniques (dans le sens ou il faut absolument la faire baisser pour aller espérer guérrir).
Après on a pas toutes les réponses, on découvre progressivement les avancées qui sont faites par les chercheurs mondiaux de ces pathologies, et je trouve ça deja énorme d'avoir des infos "a la pointe de la recherche" grace a Internet et ces grands Monsieurs!


Pti gars
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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede tuchiana » Mar 12 Fév 2013 22:48

un_ptit_gars a écrit:Et la vision de klinghardt (conférences de 2011 et 2012) sur ces peptides de "régulation" (qui sont à la base des hormones et de toute la régulation interne du corps):

When two mold cultures were separated in a research experiment and one was exposed to EMF while the other was not, the one exposed to EMF had 600 times more toxic biotoxins and its growth rate was dozens of times faster.
It may be the case that EMF itself may not harm our body's cells, but it may impact the microbes within us which results in more biotoxins.
Molds create biotoxins (mycotoxins) to defend themselves.

Pti gars

Klinghardt dit que les moisissures se multiplient dans un environnement de CEM. Jacques Surbeck dit que les CEM tuent les levures, voir la derniere video du lien ou vers la fin il raconte comment ils ont decouvert par hasard la nuisance des CEM dans les annees 80: ... t_a74.html

ca doit etre un vrai cocktail de toxines de naissance et de mort :crazy:
mais... les 2 types sont des mycetes ou fungi en anglais, je lis meme que les levures sont des moisissures unicellulaires, et je me pose la question comment ca se fait que les CEM ont des effets opposes sur ces cousines tres proches :/
soit je me trompe, soit qqn nous prend pour des cones :no:
alors qu'en pensez-vous ?
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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Mar 12 Fév 2013 23:32

tuchiana a écrit: comment ca se fait que les CEM ont des effets opposes sur ces cousines tres proches :/
soit je me trompe, soit qqn nous prend pour des cones :no:
alors qu'en pensez-vous ?

Perso j'en pense que si les CEM tuaient effectivement les levures, on serait pas dans un tel état de maladie généralisé, et qui va en s'accentuant...parralèlement a la croissance exponentielle des champs electromégnatiques artificiels sur terre. Peut-etre que ça les "stress" comme dit klinghardt, et que tu coup, elle en deviennent + pathogènes par mécanisme de dé pourquoi pas, elles en meurent (pour certaines) au bout d'un moment? Qui nous dis qu'il n'y a pas des levures + "electrosensibles" que d'autres? Ce n'est pas le cas des êtres humains au sein d'une plus grande entité apellée "Terre"? :D

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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede beacam » Ven 15 Fév 2013 08:50

En reprenant ma pds CD57 j'ai vu que le labo avait à priori une antenne à vichy, ce qui me laisse une chance de faire ces tests puisque ma famille reside la bas

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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede ymy » Ven 15 Fév 2013 12:26

Salut à tous,

Un lien intéressant : ... rence-2011

Quelques extraits :

There are 54 known haplotypes related to HLA testing. 15-6-51, 16-5-51, 11-3-52B, and 4-3-53 are ones that impact people with Lyme disease. These people do not recover with antibiotics alone.

Hypermobile/hyperflexible people are among the "worst of the worst" - 11-3-52B

11-3-52B and 4-3-53 are what Shoemaker calls "dreaded". Pour ma part, j'ai les deux.

Ymy, qui changerait bien de chromosome 6.

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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede map-73 » Ven 15 Fév 2013 23:38

Associations of HLA DR and DQ molecules with Lyme borreliosis in Latvian patients : ... 62403.html

Je transmets mais j'avoue que c'est du chinois pour moi. Mon cerveau refuse d'assimiler ces infos !
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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede map-73 » Ven 15 Fév 2013 23:41

ymy a écrit:Hypermobile/hyperflexible people are among the "worst of the worst" - 11-3-52B
11-3-52B and 4-3-53 are what Shoemaker calls "dreaded". Pour ma part, j'ai les deux.
Ymy, qui changerait bien de chromosome 6.

C'est pas cool ça... :/
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Inscription: Ven 5 Aoû 2011 08:46
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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede Lebowski » Dim 17 Fév 2013 15:45

Dommage, Clermont c'est un peu loin pour le coup...
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Re: BIOTOXINES DES BACTERIES - les analyses clés

Messagede ymy » Mer 20 Fév 2013 13:13

Salut à tous,

Voici un lien intéressant : ... table-2012

Quelques extraits (dr Shoemaker) :

Dr. Shoemaker does not trust the Western Blot for Lyme disease. If the illness has a defective antigen presentation, why would one rely on an antibody test as a reliable test?
The differential diagnosis for Lyme disease needs to consider mold.
With Lyme, those that get sick and stay sick without appropriate interventions are the HLAs 15-6-51 and 16-5-51.
11-3-52B is one of the more difficult ones; these are the people with long wingspans.
4-3-53 is another difficult genotype with linkage to pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Dr. Shoemaker requests that if you are practicing medicine without HLA-DR, please stop.

Le groupage HLA est le premier test que Shoemaker conseille de faire. Il va jusqu'à dire que si l'on pratique la médecine sans HLA-DR, il faut arrêter.
Il parle aussi du WB. Il n'a pas confiance en ce test pour Lyme.

Je vais juste vous livrer mon sentiment.
Je connais de nombreuses personnes qui ont un test plus que positif de Schaller, mais qui se portent très bien.
Ces personnes ont d'ailleurs fait le test en général car leur conjoint est très malade.
Shoemaker dit que c'est l'inflammation qui crée les symptômes et la maladie, (et non la bactérie en elle-même).
Et cette réaction inflammatoire est sans doute liée à notre susceptibilité génétique (24% de la population).
Cf le fameux tableau de Shoemaker

Comme je l'ai déjà dit, j'ai 2 génotypes Multisusceptible + MARCoNS + Dinoflagellates.
J'ai une amie qui est très malade également (Lyme and co) et qui a également un génotype Multisusceptible + Dinoflagellates.
Cela ne peut pas relever du hasard, car il faut à chaque fois avoir une association de 3 gènes.
Là, j'attends encore les résultats du HLA d'une autre personne très malade, afin de voir si cela se vérifie.


Chercheur de vérités
Chercheur de vérités
Messages: 830
Inscription: Mer 14 Jan 2009 07:00


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