Vaso Intestinale Peptide (VIP)

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Vaso Intestinale Peptide (VIP)

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Lun 22 Oct 2012 10:03


Voila un passage (en anglais malheureusement) très intéréssant d'une conférence de klinghardt de 2012 sur le rôle majeur du peptide VIP dans les pathologies chroniques.

Pti gars


VIP is produced in the gut, pancreas, and hypothalamus. It is helpful for sleep, and stimulates growth hormone. VIP nasal spray has a half-life of two minutes. The homeopathic version works similarly to if one had taken the nasal spray every five minutes. VIP plays a role in detoxification by secreting toxins in small intestine. All biorhythms are regulated by VIP. VIP helps with communication within the brain. If you feel disconnected from yourself, that is commonly an issue with VIP. VIP helps to regulate prolactin for breastfeeding. Strawberry tea may help to stimulates VIP. VIP fixes vaginal lubrication problems in a few weeks. It does not have to be taken forever.

VIP regulates microcirculation, inflammatory response, pulmonary artery response, hypothalamic input from visual pathways, resolves cognitive issues, and supports exercise tolerance. As exercise tolerance improves, the lymphatics are supported and people have healthier bowel movements.

Options for improving VIP:

Homeo K-VIP
sinus flush
Pleo Rec
Pleo San Pseu
amalgam removal
Matrix Metals
EMF reduction
neural therapy
auto-urine therapy
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