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Comment réagir lorsqu'on retrouve une tique sur soi?

MessagePosté: Lun 27 Juin 2016 19:12
de un_ptit_gars
Message de Buhner a destination de celles et ceux qui se font piquer par une tique et qui se savent pas quoi faire sur le coup pour éviter au mieux les problèmes par la suite...

Pti gars

Buhner: Besides reading the book, I generally suggest taking 1000-3000mg of astragalus a day to keep up the immune parameters that are most effective against a Lyme infection. Additionally, I would take with me a bottle of andrographis tincture.
As soon as a tickbite is found, remove the tick, and then mix the tincture with a little green clay powder or something like that and put the paste on the bite area, then cover with a bandaid. Oddly enough this will often prevent a Lyme infection. And finally, perhaps, get and take a large bottle of the Lyme protocol in capsules from Green Dragon Botanicals ( If you do start getting ill, this can often turn it around.