Herbes qui aident à controler les MMPs élevés

Comment lutter contre les multiples infections chroniques qui se développent en présence de produits toxiques dans le corps

Herbes qui aident à controler les MMPs élevés

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Sam 23 Mar 2013 16:30

Encore un article intéréssant sur lyme : quelles herbes aident a limiter les MMP, dont le fameux MMP9 si cher a klinghardt et shoemaker! ;)

Pti gars


According to Research at the Linden Hu Lab of Tufts University (2010),"Lyme arthritis may be more similar to non-infectious rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, where a family of host enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been implicated. ...At least two MMPs, MMP-1 and MMP-3, are elevated in the synovial fluid of patients with Lyme arthritis."1

"Host enzymes" refers to enzymes that come from the host (the body on which the tick feeds), and synovial fluid is the fluid normally present in joints.

MMP enzymes degrade collagen. This research indicates that Lyme bacteria has the ability to induce MMPs and block the immune system's ability to prevent their production.2

These natural products have been researched to show promise in inhibiting MMPs:

1. Cordyceps (MMP-1, MMP-3)3
2. Shark Cartilage (MMP-1, -2, -7, -9, -13)4
3. Genistein (from soy)(MMP-2, MMP-9)5
4. 5-Loxin Boswelia products (MMP-3)
5. Resveratrol (MMP-2, MMP-9)
6. Nettle Leaf (MMP-1, -3, -9)
7. Ginger (MMP-2, MMP-9)
8. Green Tea (MMP-1)

Go to http://www.herbsforlyme.com and find our product "Advanced Inflammation Control" - containing several potent MMP inhibitors as well as single herbs for this purpose.

"The ability to induce MMPs may play a role in a number of different aspects of Lyme disease pathogenesis including the ability of the organism to spread through extracellular matrix, generation of host components that may be involved in environmental adaptation by the organism and modulation of the host immune response through cleavage of cytokines, chemokines and cell surface receptors."6

Translated into lay language, this means that MMPs may play several roles in the progression of Lyme Arthritis and the disease itself. These roles are:

1. The ability to spread the pathogen to collagen, cartilage and connective tissue.
2. The ability to generate components from our own bodies in order to adapt to it.
3. The ability to change our immune system response, preventing some processes while setting off a cascade of adverse symptoms.

"Differences in the MMPs induced may be responsible for differences in the clinical progression of the disease in patients with untreated and treated Lyme arthritis and may also be responsible for differences in arthritic manifestations of Lyme disease between humans and animal models."7 There are several forms of MMPs - many of them present in cancer.8

Joint Support supplements are included in Lyme Disease protocols to help relieve joint and tendon pain and inflammation, protect against an autoimmune reaction in the joints, stimulate the growth of new connective tissue, and help in repair.

The spiral form of Lyme spirochetes can "drill" into joints and cartilage. Because of the low blood supply to the cartilage, it is difficult for antibiotics in the bloodstream to be effective there.

Joint and tendon symptoms include: Lyme Arthritis, tendon and joint ache, pain and inflammation, joint popping and dislocation.

Read the article with live links at http://www.herbsforlyme.com and find discounts on herbs and supplements as well as protocols for Lyme Disease, mycoplasma, and biofilm illness.

1, 2, 6, 7: http://sackler.tufts.edu/Academics/Degr ... en-Hu.aspx
3: http://rheumatology.oxfordjournals.org/ ... /1/45.full
4, 5, 8: http://www.benthamscience.com/pra/sampl ... nnello.pdf
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