Conférence Mondiale de lyme 2011 - Résumé des points clés

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Conférence Mondiale de lyme 2011 - Résumé des points clés

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Mer 13 Juil 2011 12:39

Salut tout le monde,

Je vous ai déniché un résumé extrêmement intéressant sur une des conférences mondiales majeure de lyme 2011 :)

De nombreux grand experts étaient présents et ont donnés des détails très importants pour chacun d'entre nous. Un lymé américain y a assisté et a écris ce résumé que je vous encourage grandement a lire et relire en détails.

--> Je laisse ce document car il est complet, mais je vous encourage fortement a aller voir les réponses qui suivent, notre cher hazy ayant fait un énorme travail de traduction afin que meme ceux qui ne lisent pas anglais puissent le comprendre.... un très grand merci a lui!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


BioResource Inc. hosted what was in my opinion one of the best conferences of the year on March 19-20, 2011 in Burlingame, CA. The event was titled "Integrative Approaches to Treating Tick-Borne Disease". The room was filled with the energy of like-minded practitioners. In my opinion, these practitioners are the closest to having true answers of anything I've encountered when it comes to successfully treating those of us that have struggled with chronic health challenges related to Lyme disease (and all that comes with it).

The main speakers at the event were Wayne Anderson ND, Joe Burrascano MD, Ann Corson MD, Steven Harris MD, Richard Horowitz MD, and Byron White (herbalist). The event had a slight focus on products offered by BioResource as they were the host of the event, but many other options were discussed and I don't think this limited the speakers in any way. In my opinion, BioResource has some of the best products available anyway. You can find more information about the presenters here.

What follows are a few of the key points that I noted during the various presentations. This is not intended to represent all of the content presented at the event but rather a subset of the information that I found of interest. I've broken the comments down by presenter below in the order that they originally presented.

Note: As this information may be updated as any errors are found, I kindly request that you link to this single source of information rather than copying the content below. If any updates or corrections are made, this will help to ensure that anyone reading this is getting the most current information.

Joe Burrascano MD

Dr. B was more focused on conventional medicine in the past. He said, "Over time, more and more alternative things crept in because you need them."
The more ill the patient is, the less effective antibiotics are.
Ticks are "nature's dirty needle".
Transmission via pregnancy is well-known. Blood transfusion, organ donation, and body fluids are other possible routes of transmission. In one study on breast milk, 4 of 4 people had Borrelia in their breast milk.
Dr. B considers a person to be "chronic" if they have had the condition over 1 year.
Sleep disturbances are a very big problem.
The immune system focuses mainly on the biproducts of the bugs, but less so on the bugs themselves.
According to Dr. Pat Coyle, SUNY Stony Brook, spinal fluid serologies are positive in only 9% of patients with Lyme meningitis. In other words, 91% of people with active Lyme are missed by currently available serologic tests on the spinal fluid.
Spirochetes are not blocked by the blood-brain barrier and thus, all "chronic Lyme" is neurological.
Biofilms mature and harden. They are like "trying to burn through the trunk of a tree". Biofilm therapy may need to involve some amount of chelation work.
Borrelia goes through periods of growth and dormancy and is only treatable during a growth cycle. It is very slow growing and thus takes a long period of time to treat.
According to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, chronic infections overwhelm the detox pathways.
"I don't know of any sick Lyme patient that does not have coinfections if they have chronic Lyme". Coinfections are pretty much universal. They "change the character of the disease much like mixing different colors results in a new color".
The sicker a patient is, the less sensitive antibody testing becomes.
In incredibly sick Lyme patients, Babesia must be considered.
Dr. B. mentioned Ritchie Shoemaker's MARCoNS as a producer of toxins and biofilms and said that it is a big thing. He also looks at other Shoemaker labs.
Babesia infections, like Malaria, make red blood cells more rigid so that they cannot fold through the capillaries. This impairs circulation and adds to vasculitis.
Dr. Richard Horowitz has clearly demonstrated that many people with treatment-resistant, chronic neurological Lyme improve with chelation / heavy metal detoxification.
IGeneX is currently the best lab for tick-borne infections.
Most sick patients that don't respond have Mycoplasma.
NT Factor is the most effective supplement he has used for Lyme patients; supports the health of the cell membrane and improves energy.
Conventional medicine won't clear chronic Lyme. CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) won't clear chronic Lyme. We need both.
Improving the immune system alone won't work.
People who treat with orals first and IV later don't do as well as people who do IV first.
Dr. B mentioned the experience of Dr. Paul Cheney in regards to thyroid supplementation. When supplementing, people feel better, but then they begin to feel worse. The body may have lowered metabolism as an adaptive mechanism to protect the body.
Nearly every chronic Lyme patient needs IV antibiotics.
Cytokine suppressors result in the infections becoming more active.
You cannot "cure" Lyme disease in a chronic patient but it doesn't matter. Get the pathogens down and support the immune system. The goal is not to get rid of every last Borrelia organism, but instead to get below the threshold such that the condition can be managed with clean living.
Coartem is a new option that may be helpful for resistant Babesia. It is 24 tablets taken over 3 days. Most other treatments need to be stopped for several days before, during, and after.
Oral vitamin C may help reduce the risk of tendon issues with fluoroquinolone drugs.
Ketek was Dr. B's favorite oral treatment.
Minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium may support/grow the biofilms.
Samento+Banderol were found in studies with Eva Sapi PhD to be helpful in addressing biofilms.
In a cohort of treatment-resistant Lyme patients that were not well, 100% were XMRV positive.
XMRV activity is initiated by Cortisol, DHT, and increased cytokines. Thus herxing heavily (increased cytokines) may be a factor in activating XMRV.
According to Dr. Judy Mikovits, cortisol can be mitigated with Pharmanex Cortitrol. DHT can be mitigated with beta-sitosterol, Propecia, Proscar, or Avodart. Cytokines can be mitigated with curcumin, artesunate, alpha-lipoic acid, and possibly stem cells.
AZT, Tenofovir, and Raltegravir were weakly effective. Might be a lifetime of treatment.
Probiotics, mutlivitamins, CoQ10, NT Factor, Vitamin D, EFAs, magnesium (after on antibiotic treatment only), Transfer Factors, methyl-B12, and B-Complex are items that Dr. B has found useful.
Treat Bartonella first before Babesia. Treating Babesia first seems to make the Bartonella drugs less effective.

Ann Corson MD

When the extracellular matrix is dirty, homeopathy and acupuncture don't work as well. Once the matrix is cleaned up, these become more useful therapies.
Pekana remedies can help to restore the health of the matrix.
Dr. Corson has a systematic approach which starts with the cleanup of the GALT (Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue), removing food allergens, restoring leaky gut and healthy diet.
She employs a release / provoke / release / provoke / release / provoke model.
When total cholesterol and LDL are elevated, treating infections and inflammation will often resolve the issue.
Looks at various markers of autoimmunity such as anti-cardiolipin antibodies which point to the endothelium, anti-gliadin antibodies which point to the gut, and anti-myelin basic protein antibodies which point to the nervous system.
When a person has shortness of breath going up stairs but can walk long distances without being short of breath, VIP (Vasoactive intestinal peptide) could be a factor. Rapid dilation of the pulmonary vasculature, such as required for the metabolic demands of going up stairs versus walking, is dependent on VIP.
KPU is an issue; as many as 80% of patients with Lyme may be affected.
Genetic KPU tends to lead to more criminal behavior and insanity. Her perspective is that Lyme patients have an acquired form of KPU.
We are all heavy metal toxic. Metals are everywhere.
Fry Labs - Bartonella smears and biofilms. MDL Labs is good with Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, and viral testing.
In terms of HLA types, 90-95% of people in her practice have either Lyme, mold, or mutli-susceptible genotypes.
Hypercoagulation panels and food allergy panels can be very helpful.
"You are what the animal you eat eats."
In the German homotoxicology model, most Lyme patients are in the Impregnation and Degeneration phases.
The sicker the matrix, the more difficult the condition is to treat.
"The patient is only as healthy as their fluid flows."
Dr. Corson discussed many different aspects of the Pekana and Syntrion lines that go beyond the scope of the information here.
Pekana Renelix (kidneys) and Itires (lymphatics) are the workhorses.
For detox support, likes Burbur/Parsley, Renelix/Parsley, or Renelix/Burbur, with or without Energetix Drainage-Tone.
NutraMedix Lakato can be helpful for addressing viruses.
Beyond Balance (formerly Healthy Directions) Bar-1 has brought some patients with Bartonella out of the "pits of hell".
Dr. Corson looks first to remedies like Byron White Formulas, Beyond Balance Herbal Blends (formerly Healthy Directions), and NutraMedix herbs before moving to allopathic options in many cases.
To tolerate the Byron White Formulas, patients often need drainage support, anti-inflammatory enzymes, and healthy fats.
70% of her clients feel identifiable positive shifts on the Byron White Formulas.
BSP-201 is helpful for inflammation and has been shown in placebo controlled double blind studies to reduce CRP and inflammatory cytokines.
It is important to remember that removing stored toxins leads to inflammation as the toxins move out of the body.

Steven Harris, MD

It is important to first note that Dr. Harris' talk was specifically on the use of non-antibiotic therapies for Lyme disease. This does not represent the entirety of therapies that Dr. Harris may employ in his practice.
Dr. Harris talked about a recent article in April 2011 in Discover magazine on symbiogenesis and how organisms share DNA to become a new organism.
Borrelia uses magnesium for metabolism and is fed by magnesium; whereas Babesia is fed by iron.
Organisms share genes and incorporate DNA from other organisms which may be a reason that herbs work so well; they are more broad spectrum.
With herbal medicines, the whole is often greater than the sum of the parts.
Herbs give solice that so many different things can be addressed at once.
Beyond Balance herbs - Bab-2 is better for Babesia WA-1. Immune Restore acts to boost other herbs much like using Plaquenil with Zithromax. May be a 30-40% boost. ImmunoVira is highly effective against viruses and may be helpful in patients with XMRV.
Clinical Response Fomrulas - some ASD kids cannot tolerate walnut so they have a BLt without walnut. BLt may be better for Bartonella than for Lyme. Crypto-Plus - has seen the Lomatium rash when also using it with enzymes or items such as Boluoke. CAT cream and BST cream can be very helpful for neuropathy. CAT cream may be helpful in Morgellon's.
Zhang - AI#3 is anti-inflammatory.
NutraMedix - Quina may be a natural cyst buster. Burbur supports the liver while Parsley supports the kidneys.
Jernigan - Lymogen is stronger than Borrelogen. Often does 6-8 weeks of Lymogen and then back on Borrelogen. Neuro-Antitox CNS/PNS can be very powerful. May use with NutraMedix Pinella. May need to start with the Neuro-Antitox Basic first as the CNS/PNS may be too strong to start with.
Researched Nutritionals Transfer Factor Multi-Immune can be helpful up to 2 twice a day at times.
RainTree - Spiro capsules and MYCO capsules are useful for some.
Rizol Gamma may be helpful in addressing parasites.
Immunovir can be useful for viral layers and may consider Immunovir + ImmunoVira or Virogen for 3 months.
Lyme treatments may include: Samento, Banderol, Cumanda, Quina, Lakato, Houttuynia, Garlic, Coptis, Teasel, Chanca peidra, Bb-1, BLt, AL Complex, Lyme nosodes, Rizoles, Lymogen, Borrelogen, LymPlus Transfer Factor, Bee Venom.
Bartonella treatments may include: Boneset, Houttuynia, Pau D' Arco, Arnica, Rizol My, Bar-1, BLt.
Babesia treatments may include: Cryptolepsis, Enula, Mora, Rizoles, Plant Stem Cells, MYCO (may work well with Mepron), Chanca piedra, Bab-1, Cyrpto-Plus.
Alternative protocols include: McCamish Protocol, Thoring Protocol, Zhang Protocol, Cowden Protocol, Jernigan Neutraceuticals, Byron White Formulas, Deseret Biologicals, Researched Nutritionals, Rain Tree, Buhner Protocol, Rizoles.
Grapefruit seed extract can have interactions with some drugs and that must be carefully considered.

Byron White

In almost every client he has evaluated, Lyme and Babesia or WA-1 (duncani) were a factor.
With energetic testing, ticks were found to carry up to 40 (7 was average) different microbes including bacteria, fungi, viruses, nematodes, and Babesia.
Powassan virus is a factor that he feels is commonly overlooked and in one bio-resonance study, 60% of ticks were positive for Powassan virus.
It has taken 15-20 years to arrive at the Byron White Formulas (BWFs).
Byron approaches recovery in an "unwinding" manner moving through the current layer and bringing the next issue to the surface.
In talking about addressing the top layers of the illness and not those that may be several layers down, he used the analogy of getting off a ferris wheel. He said it is better to get off the wheel at the bottom than at the top.
BWFs work on a physical, spiritual, and emotional level. They are, in essence, food for the body. They need to be shaken before each dose as they are very dense. Many herbs are 1 part herb to 4 or 5 parts alcohol. Byron White Formulas uses 1 part herb to 1 part organic grape alcohol.
With Lyme, the lymphatic system is almost always the system that is most down / in need of support.
Pathogens have a slow, low, dark energy.
Borrelia resonates with fear, abandonment, and isolation at an energetic level.
What the energy body systems need most is the energy of affection/compassion.
Borrelia will "crash" the central meridian of even healthy people in energetic testing.
A lack of flow of energy leads to pain and other symptoms.
Energetic blockages may prevent an ideal treatment from working.
Microbes wait until there is a quorum before they "go on the march". They communicate with one another.
Lyme patients have been observed to have mold, fungi, Candida, EBV, HHV-6, Stealth viruses, CMV, Coxsackie, Powassan, Mycoplasma, parasites, and other microbial challenges.
Toxins often observed in people with Lyme include metals, solvents, pesticides, herbicides, radiation, EMFs, paint dyes, xenobiotics, vaccine residues, drug toxicity, ammonia, aldehydes, neurotoxins, aspartame, and more.
Aspartame makes it very difficult to get rid of toxins and infections.
Stem cells proliferate next to meridians and are impacted when there is an energy blockage.
Energetics, emotions, and spirituality always trump the physical.
Some OTC herbal tinctures may be contaminated with nickel and xenobiotics from the manufacturing process.
Byron White Formulas are very potent. Hold the drops under the tongue. When consuming, keep the formulas away from homeopathics or prescription products. Need to have 20-60 minutes between BWFs if using multiple formulas.
Can experience retracing and unwinding as the body heals from top->down and inside->out.
Best to use formulas with filtered water; not distilled water.

Wayne Anderson ND

Antibiotics do work, but not for everyone.
Treating Lyme is like playing chess. There is an opening, a middle game, and an end game.
Can use Byron White Formulas to provoke a response and help to determine what the dominant pathogen may be.
"As the first ninja is knocked down, the next ninja appears and its symptoms present."
Neurotoxin illnesses share several common mechanisms:
Slow growing
Additive (the more you have, the sicker you feel)
Disruptions of endocrine, nervous, immune, and GI systems
Are load dependent
Items that mimic or contribute to neurotoxin illness or may be differential diagnosis include:
Methylation defects
HLA-DR status (Human Leukocyte Antigens)
Other illnesses such as diabetes and cancer
Head injury, TMJ, Pain
Sexual abuse of domestic violence
Environmental chemicals and toxins
Sleep apnea or malabsorption
Cellular function of the endocrine, immune, nervous system or gut
When people react strongly to one drop of something, some possible reasons may include:
Large microbial or toxin load
Slow methylation
Slow liver/gallbladder function
Gut permeability
Parasitic infection
Heavy metal burden
Autoimmune activation
Long-term, repeated exposures
Parasites often confuse the picture and make it more difficult to determine what the dominant pathogen may be.
85% of the time, Borrelia is not the dominant pathogen.
Bartonella or Babesia tend to be the dominant pathogens initially and often flip-flop in their priority and symptom presentation.
Treatment is less about "whacking" and more about "whittling"; have to watch the layers. Treatment is like peeling an onion.
Top layers are often Bartonella or Babesia. Borrelia may then be underneath. Viruses like XMRV, HHV6, and EBV may then be encountered. Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, fungal layers may be next.
#1 most important test is the HLA testing.
Treatment can be broken down into three main aspects: 1) modulating the immune system, 2) killing the dominant pathogen, 3) waste removal/detoxification. Then, rebuilding and repairing become the focus.
"There is no ONE way."
Byron White Formulas
Can help to confirm a diagnosis
Can be a standalone treatment
Can be used with antibiotics
Can adjust dose to patient tolerance to minimize Herx responses
Have minimal risk of creating resistance
Are herbal and energetic
Revitalize, harmonize, and regulate
Have an effect on multiple microbes
XMRV is like having another co-infection.
60-70% of people with Lyme tested at Gordon Medical Associates have XMRV positive test results.
Just released his new web site at

Richard Horowitz MD

"Exchange yourself with others; always do as you would have done to you; develop compassion. Always work for the benefit of others; consider how you can release the suffering of others." These were some of the insightful words that Dr. Horowitz shared at the beginning of his talk.
"Virtually all human diseases result from the interaction of genetic susceptibility factors and modifiable environments factors, broadly defined to include infections, chemicals, physical, nutritional, and behavioral factors" - Office of Genetics and Disease Prevention, CDC
MCIDS - Multiple Chronic Infectious Disease Syndrome; a better term for the complexities of what some call "Lyme disease".
One must treat infections, inflammation, and immune dysfunction at the same time to make forward progress.
Over time, he found that antibiotics only went so far and that it became important to look at the functional medicine pathways.
"Use the illness as a transformative process to help you grow - what do I need to learn to grow as a human being?"
Antibiotics are ineffective in some and 99.9% relapse after stopping antibiotic treatment. The financial cost can be 60-70K per patient. (Editor's note: After the initial posting of this blog, the statistic mentioned here seemed to require additional clarification. The figure is primarily in patients who have only done antibiotics alone. However, Dr. H still sees frequent relapses in patients who have done all of the integrative therapies also, including patients who have done well on an herbal protocol, stops it, and relapses. The point here is that we have not completely eliminated the full burden of bugs from the body if we don't treat the infections early on. But if we have done a good antibiotic and herbal protocol, if we relapse, it will generally be with much milder symptoms than when the regimens were initiated.)
Autoimmunity is often observed in patients. Clinically, patients improve over time as the microbial burden is being addressed and yet, they may still present with autoimmune issues. The presentation of autoimmune symptoms does not seem to be related to the burden of pathogens.
Muscle pain, moodiness, and many other symptoms are related to cytokines. IV Glutathione can reverse these symptoms in minutes in some people.
"Everyone is walking around with heavy metals." Heavy metals mimic Lyme symptoms.
"Almost everyone is allergic to dairy."
Many patients have nutritional deficiencies in zinc, iodine, copper, and/or magnesium.
Brain fog may be associated with quinolinic acid (Borrelia biotoxin), cytokines, ammonia, zinc deficiency.
~40% of his clients have adrenal insufficiency.
Only 5 in 12,000 people in his practice have normal libido.
Sleep disorders are a "big nail in the foot" that must be addressed. Valerian or melatonin may be helpful. Sleep disorders drive cytokines and inflammation.
"There is not just one ninja, but a full ninja army."
Options for the cyst form of Lyme include Plaquenil, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Flagyl, and Tindamax. Some patients may benefit from B vitamins while on Flagyl to mitigate worsening of chronic neuropathy. Flagyl should not be used with herbal tinctures that contain alcohol.
May use 200 billion probiotic organisms plus Saccharomyces boulardii.
IGeneX uses both the B31 and 297 species of Borrelia which makes their testing more useful.
You have to unlayer the illness.
When TNF-alpha is blocked with pharmaceutical options, the immune system may become suppressed and Lyme can become more active.
Bartonella can be related to eye problems and seizures.
Mepron seems to be less effective now as there is some resistance to it and it may require 2 teaspoons; whereas 1 teaspoon dosing may have been effective in the past.
Coartem is a 4 tablets twice a day for 3 days antimalarial medication which has shown promise as an "off-label treatment" for Babesia. One must stop macrolides, quinolones, Plaquenil, and any other antimalarials or medications that affect QT intervals 3-4 days before and after using Coartem.
Byron White A-BAB has resulted in difficult patients doing well with their Babesia symptoms.
Neurotoxins and cytokines are what largely make people feel sick. It is not necessarily the microbes themselves; as we live in symbiosis with many different microorganisms in our bodies at all times. It is when the microorganisms produce neurotoxins and cytokines in elevated amounts that patients manifest with "sickness behavior" such as fatigue, arthralgias, flu-like symptoms, and cognitive issues often seen in those with MCIDS.
Oregano oil can be a good option for fungal issues.
Mercury can cause over 800 different autoimmune presentations.
BSP-201 may drive down TNF-alpha while not negatively impacting the immune system.
Lyme disease is likely the only condition that results in an IgM deficiency; IVIG can be helpful.
DIM opens liver pathways and reduces bad estrogens.
1200mg of sustained release alpha lipoic acid may block insulin resistance and may help to release metals.
IV Glutathione may help to reverse symptoms of Parkinson's Disease; Glutathione is a miracle molecule in the body.
25% of patients improve with heavy metal detoxification.
Fibrocystic breast disease may improve with iodine supplementation.
"World Out of Balance" is his in-progress book on Lyme disease.
If the cytokine faucet is too far open with no drain, patients may react strongly to the Byron White herbals.
Dilution is the solution to pollution.
Roughly 90-95% of patients significantly improve with treatment. Due to frequent relapses often observed when antibiotics or herbal therapies are stopped, the goal of treatment is to lower the pathogen burden, balance the immune and inflammatory responses, and address all fifteen of the differential diagnosis (listed below) so that individuals may attain better health. A true "cure" may be possible in early Lyme, but is not frequently seen in late Lyme. However, this does not mean that patients do not attain excellent results and have excellent health after treatment. It simply means that there may be a small number of Borrelia or other co-infections left in the body, and the immune system must be working properly to keep them in check.
EFT may be helpful in 50% of patients. Emotional factors will interfere with other treatments.
Mung Bean may help with elevated SHBG.
50mg of zinc may inhibit aromatase.
2000-3000 patients on Cowden; 2000-3000 patients on Zhang; 400-500 patients on Byron White.
Cowden Protocol is effective; improvement seen in about 70% of patients.
Samento and Banderol may be better than Samento and Cumanda, which can be too strong.
Parsley may be used at 10 drops every ten minutes for one to two hours for detoxification or herxheimer symptoms. If there is no change in symptoms, 10 drops of Burbur every 10 minutes may be considered.
Astragalus can lead to too much of a Th1 response which results in a herxheimer reaction.
LDN at 4.5mg per night can be amazing. No side effects except for initial sleep issues. Shuts down the cytokine faucet.
Ortho Molecular InflammaCORE, BSP-201, SyCircue, LDN, Xymogen Nrf2 can help with cytokine issue.
Alka-Seltzer Gold and Liposomal Glutathione (1500-2000mg) can be very helpful in an acute herxheimer response.
80% of patients are responding well to Byron White. Some have severe herxes but overall benefits.
Differential diagnosis (need to investigate each of the co-factors below):

Bacterial - Lyme, Bartonella, Anaplasma/Ehrlichia, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, RMSF, Typhus, Tularemia, Q-Fever, Tick Paralysis, Tularemia, Brucellosis...
Parasites - Babesia, piroplasms, filaria, amoeba, Giardia...
Virus - EBV, HHV-6/HHV-8, CMV, St. Louis Encephalitis, West Nile, Powassan and other tick-borne encephalitis viruses, possibly XMRV...
Candida and other fungal issues...
Immune Dysfunction
Toxicity - metals, mold, neurotoxins, biotoxins
Allergies - foods, drugs, environment
Nutritional and Enzyme deficiencies and abnormalities in functional medicine pathways
Mitochondrial dysfunction
Psychological - stress, abuse, PTSD, depression, anxiety, OCD
Endocrine abnormalities - thyroid, growth hormone, adrenals, sex hormones, Vitamin D, pituitary
Sleep disorders
Autonomic Nervous System dysfunction
Gastrointestinal - leaky gut, Candida, Celiac, Colitis, Cancer, Dysbiosis
Elevated Liver Function Tests - antibiotics, alcohol, hepatitis, Hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, chemicals
Drug use / addiction
Deconditioning - need exercise program or physical therapy
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Messages: 11119
Inscription: Ven 23 Nov 2007 07:00
Localisation: Toulouse

Re: Conférence Mondiale de lyme 2011 - Résumé des points clé

Messagede un_ptit_gars » Ven 15 Juil 2011 13:03

--> Le post a été épuré afin que notre cher "shakespearhazy" puisse y copier sa traduction juste après....un grand bravo à lui!!! :)

Pti gars
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Messages: 11119
Inscription: Ven 23 Nov 2007 07:00
Localisation: Toulouse

Re: Conférence Mondiale de lyme 2011 - Résumé des points clé

Messagede hazy » Ven 15 Juil 2011 14:24

bon alors, je vais faire une traduction abrégée, si je fais des erreurs ou si je zappe un passage qui vous intéresse dites le.

Conférence ayant eu lieu les 19 et 20 mars 2011 a Burlingame en californie. La salle était remplie des praticiens à mon avis les plus a même de traiter avec succès les lyme chronique (et ses associés).

Joe Burrascano

Joe B. était le plus conventionnel des médecins dans son approche des traitements, mais il utilise de plus en plus de solutions "alternatives".

Plus le patient est malade moins les antibiotiques sont efficaces.

Le spiro est transmis par la grossesse, les perfusions sanguines, le don d'organes etc...

Le spiro est transmis par le lait maternel.

Dr B . considère qu'un lyme devient chronique si le patient n'en est pas débarrassé au bout de un an.

Les troubles du problèmes sont un problème important.

Le système immunitaire se concentre sur les sous produits du spiro plus que sur le spiro lui même

les analyses de liquide céphalo-rachidien donnent 91% de faux négatifs.

Les spiro franchissent la BHE, donc tous les lymes de plus de un an sont "neurologiques".
Les biofilms durcissent et maturent. Les traiter nécessite aussi une chélation.

Les spiro ont une croissance cyclique. Ils ne peuvent être traités pendant leur croissance.

Le spiro a une croissance lente, les traitements sont donc longs.

Un patient qui a un lyme chronique est forcément co-infecté.

Ces conjonctions de co-infections se mélangent et forment pour chaque patient un mélange unique.

Plus un patient est malade, moins les anticorps sont détectables.

Les babesia rigidifie les globules rouges, ils ne traversent plus les capilaires, ce qui entraine des vascularites.

Les neurolymes résistants au traitement voient leur état s'améliorer avec une chélation.

Les patients malades qui ne répondent pas ont souvent des mycoplasmes.

La médecine complémentaire et alternative doivent s'unir pour vaincre lyme. [si cette petite bête arrive à faire ça en France, je lui érigerait une plaque à mes frais !!!]

Les traitements aux antibiotiques sont plus efficaces si on commence direct par les IV.

Les supplémentations thyroïdiennes entraine une brève amélioration, suivies d'une rechute. Le corps semble abaisser son métabolisme pour maintenir l'équilibre.

Les suppresseurs de cytokines entrainent une flambée infectieuse.

On ne guérit pas la maladie de lyme chronqiue

L'objectif est de mater l'infection et de booster le système immunitaire.

Le but n'est pas "d'éliminer la dernière" mais de l'abaisser suffisament pour vivre bien avec.

Coartem est un nouveau traitement bref des babesia.

Le traitement préféré de B. est le KETEK.

Les minéraux comme Fe, Ca et Mg participent à la structure du biofilm.

100% des lymés sont XMRV. l'activité XRMV est initiée par le cortisol et la DHT, et augmentent les cytokines. [Kate ???]. Cela aggrave lourdement les herx.

Selon Dr judy mikovits, le cortisol peut être atténué par le cortitrol, la dht par le beta-sitosterol etc...

Il faut traiter bartonella avant babesia.

Ann Corson:

L'acupuncture et l'homéopathie fonctionnent mieux si a matrice extracellulaire est nettoyée. ( remède pekana)

Le Dr corson commence par supprimer les allergènes alimentaires, restaurer la perméabilité intestinale et établir un régime alimentaire sain. [ :roi: elle a pompé mélodie celle là !!]

elle emploie une méthode de provocation/ libération ( ???? )

Les hauts taux de cholestérols sont souvent réglés par un traitement des infection et des inflammations.

elle regarde les différents marqueurs d'autoimmunité:

anti-cardiolipine pointe vers l'endothélium
anti gliadine pointe vers l'intestin
anti myéline vers le Système nerveux.

Le gène KPU est un problème qui pourrait affecter 80% des lymés. il peut favorise les problèmes psy.

Nous sommes tous intoxiqués aux ML

vous devenez ce que l'animal que vous avez mangé a mangé. [valable aussi pour les plantes !!]

Elle a de bons retours avec le "Byron withe".

elle rappelle que l'élimination des toxines provoque une inflammation.

Steven Harris

Borrelia est alimentée par le magnesium, babesia par le fer.

[ là ils causent de plein de produits, des interactions positives plantes/allopathie. Les personnes en recherche de traitement précis devraient se référer à la version anglaise.]

Les test ont montré que les tiques transportent jusqu’à 40 co-infections, principalement le virus de powasan (60%).

Il recommande aussi le Byron withe. Ca travaille sur un niveau physique, spirituel et émotionnel.

Lyme détruit fortement le système lymphatique.

Les borrelia vibrent sur un plan de peur, d'abandon, et d'isolement . Lyme a une énergie lente, basse et sombre. Spiro s'attaquent au méridien central, même chez les personnes asymptomatiques. C'est ce blocage énergétique qui entraine les symptômes. Ce blocage peut freiner les traitements.

Les co-infections communiquent entre elle, et attendent d'être prêtes pour attaquer.

Les toxines fréquentes chez les lymés sont les métaux, solvants, pesticides, radiations, CEM, xénobiotiques, vaccins, médicaments, ammoniaque, aldéhydes, aspartam et d'autres encore.

Les émotions et le spirituel l'emportent toujours sur le physique.

Le Byron withe (BWFS) doit être pris à une heure d’intervalle de tout autre molécule.

Wayne Anderson

Les antibiotiques fonctionnent, mais pas pour tout le monde.

Le Byron Withe peut être utile pour provoquer une réponse, et déterminer quel est le pathogène dominant. [diagnostique par les symptômes]

La neurolyme peut être amplifiée par :

défauts de méthylation
traumatisme cranien, ATM
abus sexuels
toxiques environnementaux
apnée du sommeil
système immunitaire, endocrinien, nerveux ou intestin

La sur réaction à un produit peut avoir plusieurs causes:

fonction hépato-biliaire altérée
Auto immunes

85% du temps, lyme n'est pas le pathogène dominant.

Babesia et bartonnela sont majoritaire, y compris dans l'expression des symptômes.

La thérapie s'apparente plus à l’épluchage d'un oignon [ ils devraient faire appel à un ti-gars pour les métaphores, ils n'ont aucun style :( ]

1e couche : babesia et bartonella
2e couche : borrelia
3e couche : virus XMRV, HHV6, EBV
4e couche : chlamydia, mycoplasmes, champignons

la théorie se fait en trois étapes : moduler le système immunitaire > tuer le dominant > gérer l'élimination . Utiliser le BYRON WITHE .

Richard Horowitz

Préfère le terme de MCIDS : Multiple chronical infectious disease syndrome.

Les IV de gluthation peuvent calmer les ymptômes de lyme en quelques minutes.

Les ML sont des imitateurs des symptômes de lyme.

Le bloquage du TNFa favorise lyme.

Les symptômes ne sont pas du aux bactéries mais aux neurotoxines et aux cytokines qu'elles engendrent.

La cohabitation avec d'autres microorganismes est normale, c'est le déséquilibre qui pose problème.

Le but est de réduire suffisamment la charge bactérienne pour que le système immunitaire puisse reprendre et garder le contrôle

[ l'auteur donne différentes solutions médicales qui ont l'air intéressantes. Les personnes qui cherchent de nouvelles molécules doivent se référer à la VO .]

Bon c'est plus un résumé qu'une traduction.

Je vous donne mes conclusions, subjectives. C'est la voie que j'ai suivie depuis 6 ans, et je vais bien...

Lyme et ses copains ne sont pas l'ennemi ultime, et ne PEUVENT PAS être éliminés.
Le problème est posé par le déséquilibre physique et mental, et par l’inflammation et la charge toxique qui en découle.
Une régénération des système lymphatiques, intestinaux, hormonaux, vasculaire, immunitaires et des émonctoires est indispensable, tant pour traiter la maladie que pour gérer les conséquences des traitements.
La SEULE choses qui soit ANORMALE, ce sont les exotoxines. Métaux lourds, perturbateurs endocriniens, molécule de mayard etc. Ce sont les vrais ennemis, car ils empêche le corps de gérer la situation parasitaire. Il faut les combattre sans relâche, et surtout ne plus en absorber. Plus du tout !!! [ ou tendre vers :lol: ]
L'objectif est de réduire la charge exotoxique et endotoxique, de réduire la charges bactérienne et virale, pour que le corps puisse reprendre et garder la main sur les passagers clandestins.
le mental est prioritaire et domine la guérison, voire la bloque. J'ai vraiment dû changer de vie pour faire tout ça.

En bref, lyme n'est pas une maladie mais un symptîome de notre empoisonnement. Empoisonnement global et RENTABLE. Lyme est un symptôme de civilisation. Mais là j'extrapole un peu :lol:

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Sage de l'intoxication
Sage de l'intoxication
Messages: 3747
Inscription: Jeu 16 Juin 2011 09:54

Re: Conférence Mondiale de lyme 2011 - Résumé des points clé

Messagede emilia » Ven 15 Juil 2011 16:27

Merci Hazy,
En plus d'une traduction....tes conclusions ! génial et en si peu de temps ... [img]smile/thumb.gif[/img]

Intoxiqué chevronné
Intoxiqué chevronné
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Inscription: Mar 30 Sep 2008 06:00

Re: Conférence Mondiale de lyme 2011 - Résumé des points clé

Messagede hazy » Ven 15 Juil 2011 16:43

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Sage de l'intoxication
Sage de l'intoxication
Messages: 3747
Inscription: Jeu 16 Juin 2011 09:54

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